Thursday, April 15, 2010

Easing Pregnancy Concerns With a Fetal Heart Doppler

Whether it is planned or not, becoming pregnant can be a special time in a woman's life. The excitement of becoming a mother is something to be celebrated and this also applies to fathers. However the nine months prior to the birth can be a worrying time as you strive to do the right things to ensure a comfortable pregnancy.

The development of a fetus tends to follow a predictable pattern. During the months of pregnancy therefore, it is common sense to have clinic visits. During these a doctor can monitor the health of the fetus to ensure that things are progressing well. However, between doctor appointments there are also ways of monitoring the health of an unborn child at home. Using these can help to alleviate some of the concerns that may otherwise be experienced.

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There are a number of pieces of equipment that can be used to monitor the development of an unborn child. Some of those that pregnant women may experience at the doctors office include ultrasound and fetal stethoscopes. However a common piece of equipment that is used by doctors and is also available for home use are fetal Dopplers. However, if you plan to use one of these at home you will typically need a doctor's prescription.

The Doppler fetal monitor was developed back in the 1950's and has become a common device in pre-natal clinics. It is used to detect the heartbeat of a fetus in the womb and can provide an audible representation of this. The equipment has a probe which is applied to the bump of pregnant woman in a similar style to ultrasound. The probe is attached to a device which has a speaker and may also have a display screen.

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The speaker emits the sound of the heartbeat and the display screen can be used to show the heartbeats per minute of the fetus. The obvious benefit of a fetal heart Doppler is that it provides assurance that all is well with the unborn child. Many people feel comforted by this and will use it fairly regularly. It also has the added benefit that you can share the experience of listening to the heartbeat with other members your family.

There are a few reputable dealers of baby heart monitors. Included in these are Stork Radio, Belly Beats and Sweet Beats. These companies produce a variety of heart monitors from basic models to more sophisticated varieties. The cost of a Doppler fetal monitor can start at around $400 for the more basic models available.

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However, as the features included on a monitor increase so does the price. Monitors which include features such as display screens and recording devices can rise to around $550 to $600.If you consider that the cost of buying a fetal Doppler is not justified in that it can only be used for a few months, renting is an option. Many of the companies that produce monitors offer them for rent.

This can be on a month to month basis or it is also possible to rent them for a set period which is most likely to be 3 or 6 months. This can be a more affordable option than buying and the cost for renting a basic model is typically around $20/month. This can rise to around $50/month if you want a monitor with more features.
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Monday, March 22, 2010

Pregnancy Tips

Clomiphene citrate This was widely used in IVF treatment a decade or more ago, but has now generally been dropped. Clomiphene citrate is an anti-oestrogen which suppresses the natural level of oestrogen produced in the woman's body. This stimulates her system into naturally producing more follicle-stimulating and luteinising hormones to encourage the development of the follicles.

Some doctors feel that clomiphene citrate has its merits, and is still used sometimes for ovulation induction. However, it can some¬times produce an unpredictable surge of hormones resulting in the release of eggs before they can be collected. If this happens in an IVF cycle, treatment has to be abandoned.

Many women who have fertility problems may find they are prescribed clomiphene citrate at some stage during investigations or treatment, as the drug is used outside of IVF and the more advanced forms of assisted conception. It is quite widely prescribed by GPs for women who are thought to have problems with their ovulation. It may be taken for a number of cycles to try to stimulate the ovaries, but without the monitoring that accompanies IVF and similar treatments.

Progesterone The final drug in the IVF cycle is progesterone, which may be given either as an injection or pessaries following egg collection. Progesterone is a hormone normally produced by the corpus luteum, the remnant of the follicle left in the ovary after the egg has been released. It prepares the womb to receive the embryo and also helps to support the early pregnancy.

Since the drugs used in the first part of IVF treatment knock out the woman's natural hormonal system, many doctors feel that progesterone levels need to be supplemented, although this is disputed. Sometimes an alternative drug is prescribed to stimulate the ovaries to produce progesterone naturally.

If the IVF treatment works, and the woman becomes pregnant, the progesterone may be continued for up to three months into the pregnancy. Again, its benefits are disputed, sometimes even by the doctors who prescribe it. Perhaps they only do so on the basis that it might reassure the woman that everything possible is being done to support her pregnancy. The progesterone can also have side-effects, including hot flushes and mood swings.
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